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Game: UK store launches country's first free-to-play platform

UK retailer Game has launched the UK's first dedicated free-to-play platform called - surprisingly - 'Free 2 Play'. The hub has launched now and contains three games, with more on the way.

You can check out Game's free-to-play hub here, where you can already start playing Need For Speed World, Lord of Ultima and Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances. Battlefield Heroes and Battlefield Play4Free will be added soon.

It's an EA-centric hub at the moment, and it's not clear if other publishers have signed up to host their games there, but we'll know more once it happens. Either way, Game isn't taking the decision lightly.

In a statement sent to MCV, a Game rep said, "Launching our initial free-to-play offering in partnership with EA is a significant step forward for us at GAME. We’re always looking to bring new ways of gaming to the UK’s gaming communities and we are working hard to make sure we can deliver in every digital arena – free-to-play is just the start.”

What do you think about a retailer with a bricks and mortar presence turning to the free-to-play space? Can such a service prove sustainable? Let us know what you think below.

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