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Rocksteady responds to Batman: Arkham Knight debacle, makes fans more angry

The second episode of Batman: Arkham Knight's PC story has not gone down well with the community.


Following on from yesterday's response to complaints about the state of the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight, developers at Rocksteady have today expanded on their initial response by offering recommended in-game graphical settings for users running minimum and recommend hardware.

The two sets of in-game settings were posted on the official forums, and consisted of settings that many fans found to be lower than what the hardware is capable of.

In particular, the recommended settings for the recommended hardware specs switches everything to 'Medium' and turns off all of Nvidia's GameWorks features. The blog post added that these specs are intended for "an experience on par with the current generation of gaming platforms." In the cases of either Minimum or Recommended, the aim is to reach a stable 30fps, according to the post.

Given how these specs require an i7 CPU and a graphics card more powerful than either console, many fans were rightfully livid. Across two different sub-Reddits, as well as the Steam forums, responses varied from disbelief to requests for refunds.

Not only that, but the blog post also lists AMD GPUs has being prone to texture pop-in and other issues. It then asks AMD users running recommend hardware specs to lower in-game settings even further.

There's more through the link, including talk about the game's streaming performance as well as an advice not to edit the game's .ini files and to avoid using programs like GeForce Experience.

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