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Ridge Racer Vita to come with DLC gold pass

Namco Bandai's announced it's to include a gold pass system with copies of Ridge Racer Vita from launch.

The pass will enable access to five new cars, three new tracks and a couple of new songs from the soundtrack.

However, the gold pass will only be available in the first print for retail, and will only be available with digital passes until March 31. Those who miss out can get it for €6.99.

Namco also announced post-launch DLC for Touch My Katamari and Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen, with Katamari getting new missions with new game modes hinted for Shinobido 2.

Both games will get a demo to try.

Katamari, Ridge Race and Shinobido 2 launch alongside Vita on February 22 in Europe.

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