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Real Racing 3 reviews begin, get the scores here

Real Racing 3 is the realistic free-to-play racing sim from EA and Firemonkeys. It just hit iOS today, however, the constant micro-payment harassment has left some reviewers cold. Others don't seem to mind at all. You be the judge below.

The game's micro-payment model got many critics and gamers understandably upset, as previous games in the series haven't gone heavy-handed in the cost department.

That has all changed with Real Racing 3, thanks to the game's micro-payment backbone. Many reviewers have overlooked the issue, suggesting that it's not as bad as people first thought.

You decide:

CVG - 7/10
Eurogamer - 3/10
IGN - 9.1/10
Touch Arcade - 4/5
Pocket Gamer - 9/10
CNET - 4/5
Modojo - 3/5

Got a score? Whack it below and I'll add it to the list when I can.

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