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PSA: BioShock 2, Borderlands, and Mafia II DLC on sale for XBL Gold Members

Microsoft has put BioShock 2, Borderlands, and Mafia II DLC on sale for Xbox Live Gold Members from today until May 16.

Here's the savings:

  • Mafia II Joe’s Adventure - 50 percent off at 400 MSP
  • Mafia II Jimmy’s Vendetta - 50 percent off at 400 MSP
  • Mafia II Fedora - 50 percent off at 80 MSP
  • Bioshock 2 Minerva’s Den - 50 percent off at 400 MSP
  • Bioshock 2 The Protector Trials - 50 percent off at 200 MSP
  • Bioshock 2 Bouncer Big Daddy Helmet - 50 percent off at 80 MSP
  • Borderlands Secret Armory - 50 percent off at 400 MSP
  • Borderlands New Revolution - 50 percent off at 400 MSP
  • Borderlands Bandit Mask - 50 percent off at 80 MSP

As usual, you may wish to check pricing and availability for your region before getting overly excited.

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