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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale announcement at hand

GTTV has released a promo for its Thursday episode, which will presumably unveil Sony's much rumored PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale from Superbot. The promo notes it's a PS3-exclusive from a new developer, something host Geoff Keighley teased on Twitter over the weekend.

A domain registration dug up by PlayStation Lifestyle for the title popped up over the weekend along with the Keighley tweet, each adding more fuel to the rumored title which first surfaced last year after an image of Sweet Tooth's depiction in the game was leaked.

Earlier this month, PlayStation Lifestyle was handed a survey circulated by Sony regarding the title PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, which according to everything that's known at the moment - which is scarce - is codenamed “Title Fight”.

Expect more on Thursday evening, then.

Thanks, TheDutchSlayer.

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Get More:, GT.TV - Episode 516 Promo, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

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