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Pillars of Eternity speedrun clocks in at under 40 minutes

Pillars of Eternity is a big game - unless you're willing to cut corners.


To finish Pillars of Eternity in under 40 minutes, speedrunner Jiseed relies on a couple of glitches and exploits that Obsidian should probably move to patch pretty quickly.

Redditor TheOnin explains:

"Jiseed shows off the latest route, which, while still somewhat unoptimized, just breaks the game to shreds.

"Killing off your main character while transitioning areas makes the game replace him with a prebuilt level seven Cypher, who also knows two debug spells, in the form of unavoidable 20-second stuns.

"Thanks to getting this character immediately, you can buy followers up to level six from the first inn, which is enough to get a Rogue with an invisibility skill. Said skill only works in combat, but together with stealth, it's enough to skip the majority of combat encounters.

"The rest of combat is trivialized with the debug stun skill, allowing the rogue to sneak attack, and by resetting the swing timer on a two-hander by entering and exiting the inventory screen (hence the 'stutters').

"And of course there is the Defiance Bay sequence break, saving a good 30 minutes by itself."

Amazing. Watch below:

Watch on YouTube

Thanks, PCGamer.

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