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Pillars of Eternity: Obsidian shares new area screen and character sheet update

Pillars of Eternity developer Obsidian Entertainment has posted a big blog on its RPG project, discussing how its development is going, and it even includes a few new images too. Venture forth and read on.

In an update on the Pillars of Eternity blog, Obsidian explained that work has finished on the game's "mega-dungeon" Od Nua, and that work has begun on the game's second city, Twin Elms. Here's a screen:

The team's also working on new creatures and equipment, and a new enemy type called Cean Gŵla, which is an undead banshee, created form the spirits of women who died under traumatic circumstances.

Obsidian's also been working on character sheets, which show all of your hero's stats, standing with Eternity factions and more. Here's a mock-up:

Finally, the game engine has now stepped up to Unity 4.3, all of the game's spells and abilities are useable, and much more.

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Via Eurogamer.

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