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Perry promises Gaikai on TVs by 2012

Streaming games service Gaikai's claim to fame is the ability to run on practically everything - including Internet-capable TVs, as early as next year.

"I will promise you this: you will see Gaikai on digital televisions in 2012," Gaikai head and ex-Shiny designer Dave Perry told Gamasutra.

"And it will not require any big [partnerships]. I would expect it to be on lots of televisions."

OnLive recently announced a partnership with Intel to see the rival service on any TV with the latest Atom processor built in - but Perry says Gaikai does one better than that, and will work on any networked TV.

"We're able to stream our [technology] into the TV without putting in any chip. That's a pretty big advantage, and there's been a lot of effort put into that. ... We can put the Gaikai app on the Vizio TV without modification of the Vizio TV," he offered as an example.

Gaikai looks set to go all cylinders soon, coming out of a six-month European beta to partner with Eurogamer.

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