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Path of Exile update brings Descent: Champions mode, lots of rebalancing

Path of Exile, the life-eating online dungeon crawler from New Zealand indie Grinding Gears, has received its first major post-launch update - and it's a doozy.

One of the most significant additions is Descent: Champions mode, which has players battling it out in hardcore mode to see who can survive the longest, gain the most experience, and reach the greatest depths of a dungeon. Participants stream their progress and deaths are announced to the whole audience.

On the tweaks side, the Purity aura has been nerfed a little, but three new auras of elemental resistance have been added, each of which is slightly more effective against just one element than Purity's all-encompassing effect.

The update also adds new vendor recipes, many of which are secret, and a change to Race rewards to keep new seasons fair.

The video below discusses these changes and more. For a more detailed overview, check the full patch notes.

Path of Exile is a free to play Diabloesque which is most famous for having a nightmarishly complicated skill tree, which allows of plenty of customisation and strategising.

Thanks, PCGamesN.

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