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Overwatch 2’s release date is at least a year away, and don’t expect 21 new heroes at launch

A release date for Overwatch 2 wasn't provided when it was announced, and it will be a while before we get one.

Speaking with VG247 at BlizzCon 2019, game director Jeff Kaplan Blizzard didn't withhold a release date for Overwatch 2 because it's some big secret. It's because the development team isn't sure when it will release, and we may even have to wait until BlizzCon 2020 for a date.

"I know it's a lame answer, I'm super sorry, and it's not like this top-secret thing that the last thing we want to tell players. It's just that we don't know," Kaplan told us.

"What's important to us at Blizzard, on all our games, is that the game is awesome and the players are like 'Yes, this is ready and now's the time.' I don't have a date, It's not this year, that's a pretty safe answer.

"I have a feeling we'll be talking about Overwatch 2 again next year at BlizzCon. If that helps."

Kaplan also said not to expect an abundance of new heroes at launch, like with Overwatch.

"In terms of characters, there will be multiple," said Kaplan. "It's not going to be like Overwatch where there will be 21- that's excessive and would be extremely disruptive to the game. But we want it to be big and impactful, so there's going to be multiple heroes."

Sojourn is just one of the heroes planned for Overwatch 2, but players can expect another new hero to arrive in the live game before it releases. Rumor and hints have pointed to Echo, the omnic who first appeared in McCree’s animated short during BlizzCon 2018.

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