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Overwatch 2 under "mass DDos attack" on launch, says Blizzard

The attacks, and server issues, have prolonged players waits to access the game.

Overwatch 2 became available less than 24 hours ago, and as expected, there have been some teething issues when it comes to accessing the game. This isn’t something we aren’t used to by any means, but experiencing queues of up to 40,000 players at once still saw me go to bed early rather than stick around to try and play.

That said, Blizzard has acknowledged the queue times for the free-to-play multiplayer title via Twitter. Mike Ybarra, president of Blizzard, tweeted that the team was working hard to fix the server issues, and that Blizzard was humbled to see the excitement of its players.

Later, however, Mike Ybarra followed up on his prior tweet by quoting it with, “Unfortunately, we are experiencing a mass DDoS attack on our servers. Teams are working hard to mitigate/manage. This is causing a lot of drop/connection issues.”

While Overwatch socials stayed relatively quiet on the issue, game director Aaron Keller shared an update just two hours ago that was retweeted by the Overwatch account. Aaron says that, “We’re steadily making progress on server issues and stability, as well as working through a second DDoS attack.”

“We’re all hands on deck and will continue to work throughout the night. Thank you for your patience - we’ll share more info as it becomes available,” he concludes.

Aside from players being unable to access Overwatch 2 without a wait, there’s been some issues regarding cosmetics having not transferred, and of course, some bugs that need addressing. It looks as though issues are slowly being addressed via the Resolved section of Overwatch 2’s Known Issues post, but right now, the focus is no doubt understandably on resolving server issues and getting players into the game.

Have you been lucky (and patient) enough to jump into Overwatch 2? Let us know how it went! Maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to jump in at a reasonable time today and see what all the fuss is about.

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