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Check out this batch of Overwatch 2 screenshots

Blizzard sent over a rather large batch of Overwatch 2 screenshots, and we thought we'd share.

Blizzard announced Overwatch 2 today at BlizzCon 2019. While a date wasn't provided, we do know it's at least in the works.

Along with new heroes, players can expect to play on maps located in Rio and Toronto. A new game mode called Push was announced along with Hero Missions.

All cosmetics and progress will come forward into the game, and Overwatch 1 and 2 players can play together in a shared multiplayer environment.

Again, there's no date just yet, but it's in development for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Enjoy the screens below.

Overwatch 2 Stills

Overwatch 2 gameplay screens

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