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OPM UK teases open-world game with user-generated missions hitting PS3


Official PlayStation Magazine UK's editor-in-chief, Ben Wilson, has revealed through the mag's latest podcast that a new user-generated PS3 game will hit later in the year.

Without revealing what it was, Wilson went on to say that it's also an open-world title.

“There is another game that we can’t talk about – I’d love to – that we know, where it’s an open-world game that’s coming out this year,” said Wilson while chatting about GTA.

“Everyone’s looking at me confused – this is genuinely true, I’m not making this up. “Basically it’s an open-world game where people will be able to design their own missions online and share them.”

You can hear it for yourself around the 30-minute mark here.

We've no idea what this could be. There's already Red Dead Redemption, Agent, Mafia II, and L.A. Noire, but as far as we know, none of those include user generated missions, plus each one has been known about for ages.

Then again, it could be inFamous 2, but if it actually comes out this year, we'll run out to the barn and kiss a horse.

We'll be sure to apply lipstick first though.

Thanks, SCRAWLfx.

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