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Nintendo downloads US: HarmoKnight leads the week

Nintendo has published its full list of weekly digital wares for North America. HarmoKnight is there, and not much else of note.

HarmoKnight is a freaking joy, as you can see from my full appraisal here. It really is a joyous slice of fun that will make your life better.

It's available on the 3DS North American eShop this week at $14.99. You can also download the 3DS Save Data Transfer Tool for free, while 3DS Virtual Console gets a NES download of Legend of the River King at $4.99.

Next up are full retail downloads of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and Resident Evil Revelations. Both of which haven't been priced yet, which is useful.

So there it is, hardly the most exciting update is it? But still, HarmoKnight, seriously.

Thanks Nintendo Life.

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