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MotorStorm Apocalypse screens show mayhem and destruction

Sony has released eight new screenshots for MotorStorm Apocalypse showing cars and motorbikes speeding in the streets, through tunnels, and what looks to be a subway station. It's hard to tell because a tank has demolished it into rubble.

The Evolution Studios developed racer has been described by its creators as being just as “rough and rugged” as previous games in the series, if not “more so”. This was proved with a video featuring the game's main single-player portion, Festival Mode.

Festival Mode will contain three different difficulties, where you race around on the beaches, through the city with buildings falling down around you, sewer tunnels, and more, all within a story-driven campaign. Whatever happens in one race, follows you into the next race.

You can view the latest screens over on Gamespot.

MotorStorm: Apocalypse will release in Europe on March 16 and the US on April 12.

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