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Motion controls cannot be entirely disabled in Star Fox Zero

Star Fox Zero was designed to be played with motion controls.


We got an updated look at Star Fox Zero during yesterday's Nintendo Direct.

The game looks a lot sharper now than it ever did, but the question of whether or not motion controls will work remains a point of contention.

According to Nintendo, you will have ways to customise how motion controls controls, but - contrary to what many believed, you won't be able to turn them off completely.

"Motion controls cannot be entirely disabled in Star Fox Zero, although players will have some options to choose how they are implemented." Nintendo told IGN.

"The game was designed to be played with motion controls, and it would be incredibly difficult to complete certain areas of the game without the independent aiming and flight that they offer."

Star Fox Zero is due for release April 22 on Wii U, the game also comes with Star Fox Guard, previously known as Project Guard.

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