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Here's another look at Monster Hunter World running at 4K on PC

The long wait for Monster Hunter World on PC is almost over - and it's already looking pretty sharp.

I was pretty chuffed back when Monster Hunter World first launched for PS4 and Xbox One. I ended up playing about sixty hours and working alongside James to pump out a pretty extensive Monster Hunter World guide here on the site. There was a glowing review, too. It's a bloody good game. In the end I dropped it because I was liking it too much, mind: I wanted to save the really exciting late-game hunts for smoother, better-looking play on a high end PC.

I haven't reached those late-game hunts in Monster Hunter World on PC (in fact, I'm still in the game's opening tutorial stages currently), but I have been slowly playing the PC version and figured it only right I report in on performance and all that. So here's a video. And some text. That's how it goes.

The video above depicts a bit of one of the earliest missions in Monster Hunter World (so it's nice and spoiler-free for those of you who never played the console version), and it also shows the game running raw with no alterations to the settings. I let the game scan my PC, set the recommended settings, and played. The only setting I changed was from full screen to borderless windowed mode.

I wanted to do this just to get an idea of the average player's experience without going deep on tweaks. This is a machine with a high-end processor, an Nvidia GTX 1080ti and 32GB of RAM - far in excess of Monster Hunter World's recommended specs for 30fps at 1080p.

As you'd expect, this means that at 4K - as it is in the video - it manages to hit that 30fps target easily, though even with the frame rate unlocked or set to 60fps it seems like 60 is a struggle at 4K. If you'are at 1080p, my setup completely smashes 60fps at 1080p and even 1440p, and that'll likely even be true for GPUs a step or two down; it's just at 4k that the issues start to emerge.

This is all based off the most basic, out-of-the-box settings for Monster Hunter World - so the next step is for me to dive into the settings and do some tweaks to see exactly what might be required to get a relatively smooth 60fps at 4K. Stick with us - I'll report back on that next week.

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