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Milo's tech is present in Fable: The Journey, says Lionhead

Lionhead's creative director, Gary Carr, has reiterated the closest we'll ever get to playing Milo & Kate will be Fable: The Journey.

Speaking with GI International at Develop 2012, Carr said Milo live on in The Journey, as he is now "a little wizard."

"He is around in tech form. But it is a shame, because I think [Milo & Kate] was really brave and different and interesting," he said. "There is just something about Lionhead that makes this wacky thinking about what we want to do next. The Milo thing, so many companies wouldn't do that. Wouldn't say right, we're going to try and make a living breathing virtual boy, and we don't care what you think about that.

"We built, finished, two fifths of it. It lives. I'd love to show that one day. I'm not sure I can, but I'd love to. We have to have a few other strings to our bow otherwise that doesn't sustain longevity and I think one of the things that's kept Lionhead going for 15 years if they've tended to have other interesting things going on in the background.

"Innovation is core to what we do."

Carr also spoke about Molyneux's departure, which he called the worst kept secret around the office.

"Peter isn't a snake, but he needs to shed a skin every now and again. I think when it's running itself, when people know what they're doing, when it's carved its path and it's on a trajectory and it's a working, functioning studio, which can take years, something dies in Peter and he wants to go and do it again," he said.

"We knew he was going to do it even when he was denying it. And that's good for him, he needs to do that. So there's absolutely no animosity, it was just one of those things. It was the worst kept secret internally."

Fable: The Journey releases exclusively for Xbox 360 and Kinect in October.

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