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Microsoft supports Polytron's decision to re-issue "broken" Fez patch

Microsoft has responded to Polytron opting to re-issue its "broken" patch for Fez instead of issuing a new one due to the high costs of certifying a new update.

"Microsoft Studios chose to support this decision based on the belief that Polytron/Trapdoor were in the best position to determine what the acceptable quality level is for their game," read the statement.

"While we do not disclose the cost of Title Updates, we did offer to work with Trapdoor to make sure that wasn't a blocking issue."

Polytron said Microsoft would charge "tens of thousands of dollars to re-certify the game," and since only 1% of players are affected by the corrupted save file issue caused by the patch, the developer believes "the current patch is safe for an overwhelming majority of players."

Thanks, GI International.


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