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Metroid: Retro Studios might return to series one day, no current plans

Metroid Prime developer Retro Studios would love to return to the series that put it on the map, but it isn't currently working on a new game in the series. That said, studio CEO Michael Kelbaugh isn't ruling anything out.

Speaking with IGN, Kelbaugh said, "Well, we love Metroid. We love Metroid Prime and we always will. It was a big part of our studio, the culture of the studio. The majority of that team is still at Retro.

"When we finished with DK, we still had a lot of really cool ideas. That, in combination with what the Wii U could do, we really wanted to continue with that. Again, Retro Studios loves Metroid. We might do another one someday. But we really enjoyed working with DK as well."

The team is currently developing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Wii U, and you can check out the debut gameplay trailer here.

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