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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow developers tease new game with Contra-ish image

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow developer Mercury Steam is developing a new game, and the teaser image looks rather Contra-ish to us.


Over on its official website, which may take you a while to load, the teaser text states the following as it scrolls across the image above:

"Exploring new worlds, fighting strange creatures, discovering new heroes. Expect news soon."

If you click through the I+D+I link, it takes you to another page which states the following per Google Translate:

With funding from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2003-2016.

Record TSI-100900-2014-080: Multi-genre game development for new platforms: Aleph
Record TSI-100900-2014-058: Naked

Over on the Ministry’s website a PDF, listing two entires from the developer.

One of the listings is "Aleph" with the grant of 466.018,02 and a loan of 4.194.162,18. The other listing is "Naked", with a grant of 362.658,22 and a loan of 3.263.923,98.

We've no idea when the game is expected to be revealed, but it's possible we could see something at gamescom next month.

Last year, Mercury Steam said its next title will be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Back in 2012, the firm's former studio head Dave Cox said the team would love to do another Contra.

"At Mercury Steam we’ve got an original idea that I think is really awesome," he told VG247 at the time. "We’d love to bring that idea to market and I’m hoping that the success of Lords of Shadow 2 will allow us to do that.”

Cox left the Konami-owned Madrid-based studio last year, but Cox may have teased seeing the game via Twitter back in May when he stated: "Wonderful memories in Madrid and seeing some unbelievably fookin cool amaze balls stuff too ... though not allowed to tweet about it!"

Could have just seen a really cool show or something, but you never know.

Thanks: Gematsu, NeoGAF.

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