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Major publishers snub Writers Guild awards

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When the Writers Guild announced its nominees for videogame writing on January 12, several of 2008's major titles weren't even submitted due to what "industry insiders" cites as politics, writes Variety.

The publishers of Grand Theft Auto IV, Dead Space, Call of Duty: World at War, Mirror’s Edge, Far Cry 2, and No More Heroes all confirmed that they didn’t send a copy of their script and didn’t have credited writers join the guild - the two rules for eligibility.

Apparently, many see these awards as a recruitment drive for the WGA and thus feel ceremony itself is a façade.

Outspoken Braid creator, Jonathan Blow, lent his voice to the cause by saying:

"The problem is that it’s not really an award ceremony," he said. "It’s a membership drive masquerading as an award ceremony."

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By Mike Bowden

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