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Don't trust marketing - trust this unscripted Magicka 2 gameplay capture

The latest Magicka 2 trailer pokes gentle fun at gameplay trailers that present as unscripted capture of players who definitely aren't paid voice actors.

The trailer below advertises Magicka 2's features ahead of its May 26 PC and PS4 launch (although the Challenge Mode is available right now with pre-orders). Behold:

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If you're not familiar with Magicka 2, it's worthwhile taking a tour through the trailers so far. Viddy: the one where they blew up a cat. The one with Karaoke sing-a-long subtitles. The one where Vlad went to see a therapist. The one where Vlad sang the Game of Thrones theme.

Magicka's pretty great. Free-to-play spin off Magicka: Wizard wars hasn't been promoted with quite the same humour, alas.

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