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Lich King: Increasing the level cap "has to be part of the formula," says design head

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Speaking to VG247 at Games Convention, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King lead designer Tom Chilton said that the impending increase to level 80 in the expansion is necessary to provide a content for all.

"Ultimately, increasing the level cap is about giving players more of the content they've come to love," he said.

"A lot of the players out there are very casual and the core experience for them is going through new zones, going on quests, levelling up, getting abilities, talents, etc. So if we're going to deliver new content for everybody, for all of our player-base, that that, in the large part, has to be part of the formula."

There's still no date on Lich King's release, but Chilton did also say at GC that the level cap in the beta was to be raised to 80 "very soon."

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