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Latest Max Payne 3 developer video focuses on targeting and weapons

Rockstar has released the second part of its Design and Technology video series for Max Payne 3, which goes into detail regarding Max’s targeting, weapons, and tactical movements.

The video explains how each of the systems work to create "a totally seamless and believable cinematic experience."

Rockstar said advancements in physics technology and animation allowed the team to capture "the precision targeting" of a FPS while retaining "strong characterization and story elements" intrinsic to a third-person perspective.

All-in-all, the firm is confident the technology used developing the game will provide a "greater sense of realism" to Max’s actions and reactions, while also allowing the character to adjust naturally to the on-screen position of the reticule, even in a prone state.

Become acquainted with the tech behind the game in the video below.

Max Payne 3 releases May 15 in North America and May 18 in Europe on PS3 and Xbox 360. The PC version will land in the US on May 29 and in Europe on June 1.

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