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Konami picks up El Shaddai for Europe

Konami has partnered with Ingition to bring the gorgeous El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron to PAL territories, one day earlier than expected.

Previous scheduled for release in Europe on September 9, El Shaddai will now drop the day before thanks to a distribution deal between the two companies.

The new comes courtesy of Konami's Australian PR, which suggests we'll see the game in the Antipodes, too. Hooray!

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron became something of a cult phenomenon in Japan, and is drawing notice for its stylish visuals and biblical subject matter.

The game's US release was recently delayed without explanation into August, and publisher Ignition has been making some distressing financial noises. There's no demonstrable link between these two facts and Konami's distribution, but, you know. Just sayin'.

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