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Konami denies reports it has stopped production on AAA games

Just days after reports that Konami is no longer making triple A titles, they've spoken out to refute them.


Less than a week ago, it seemed that Konami was throwing in the towel with console games to move on to mobile.

But all is not lost. According to Nintendo Life, we've all gotten ahead of ourselves.

After reaching out to Konami, they were told that, "I can promise you that we're definitely not leaving Metal Gear behind or anything like that. I know some blogs were claiming that online this morning, but I'm not really sure where they'd be getting that from.

"We're still definitely working on console games and franchises such as Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, PES and all the rest."

The statement came from Konami Customer Support rather than a member of the PR Team, but then they have previously stated that the panic over the company purely focusing on mobile is unfounded, saying, "Our aim is to continue to build up a comprehensive portfolio of console, arcade, and card game titles for each IP while also making the best possible use of the mobile devices that accompany our customers in their daily life.”

So we haven't lost hope for new additions to our favourite series just yet.

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