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Kojima calls MGS5 a "real stealth simulator"

In a Japanese-language interview, Hideo Kojima said seeing the competition at E3 has pushed him to work even harder on Metal Gear Solid 5, which he describes as much more of a realistic stealth simulator than previous entries in the series.

Kojima made the comment in an interview with 4Gamer, as translated by DualShockers. After commenting that he's been working towards the game's 1980's setting time period for a long time, building up in decade increments, he shared some details on Metal Gear Solid 5's stealth gameplay, noting that it's "very realistic".

"It’s not just a matter of following the rules of the game anymore. You can decide to just walk to your destination or ride a car. There are less sentries during the night, but you’ll be easy to spot if you turn on the headlights. Of course there are a lot more sentries during the day," he said.

"I think the definition of 'real stealth simulator' is appropriate. Previously when the game was on rails players knew what to expect, because designers just put an explosion there, a collapsing wall there. It was like a haunted house. Now weather and time will change. I wanted to make this game allowing a million of different players to play in a million of different ways."

Kojima also noted again that he wants to take on the world with MGS5, picking out one game in particular as a rival.

"I thought it received a good reaction, but after seeing Ubisoft’s The Division I felt I have to work harder," he said.

Metal Gear Solid 5 is expected on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in 2014.

Thanks, GameInformer.

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