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Kinect can understand two voices talking at one, mouths moving in the dark

Microsoft's Corporate Vice President Phil Harrison has shown a new video about Kinect 2.0, focusing on Rare's Kinect Sport Rivals game. He stated that Kinect 2.0 will be powerful enough to understand two voices speaking at once, and read mouth movements even in the dark.

The video also showed how Kinect Sports Rivals is able to use the improved motion tracking ability of Kinect 2.0 to make character movement more natural and precise than has been possible in the past. It is generally much better at recognising faces. When Kinect 2.0 scans a player's face it layers 1400 points to create what looked like a 3D mask of the player. This was then put onto the player's avatar in the game.

Outside of Kinect Sports Rivals, Harrison said that the power of Kinect 2.0 opens up a host of opportunities that were not possible with the previous hardware.

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