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IGN posts first Resistance 2 review

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IGN's posted the first online review of Insomniac's Resistance 2, awarding the game a more than respectable 9.5/10.

The official PS mag's already given it 9/10.

From the site:

Resistance 2 is one of those games that manages to expand on its predecessor in every way. The single player is epic in scope and in story, which is practically worth the price of admission by itself. Then you throw in the extremely engaging co-op and competitive play, which expands on replayability in just about every way possible. Toss in a generous number of unlockables, trophies and community support, and you've got a phenomenal experience. This is an exclusive that PS3 owners should be proud to have in their collection.

We want this. Now. Go read.

By Mike Bowden

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