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Hulk Hogan cut from WWE 2K16 after being fired for racist remarks

Legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan will not be included in WWE 2K16 due to racist remarks which also led to being fired by the WWE.

In a statement sent to Polygon, 2K Sports said Hogan will "not appear in WWE 2K16" as the company stands by decisions made by its partners.

"We are highly respectful of the way that our partners choose to run their business and manage our partnerships accordingly," said the spokesperson in a statement.

Polygon asked whether the wrestler would be removed from previous WWE video games, but while a "fair question," 2K said it had "no other comments" to make at this time.

It was revealed this week Hogan made racist remarks on an "unauthorized sex tape" he made eight years ago. The tape was leaked in 2012 and posted on Gawker, per CNN, leading to an ongoing lawsuit Hogan filed against the site.

A transcript of the tape was posted by gossip magazine and grocery store checkout-line staple The National Enquirer. According to the transcript, Hogan made racial remarks regarding his daughter Brooke's boyfriend at the time. He said in the tape he was "racist, to a point" and used the n-word more than once.

Hogan issued an apology Friday.

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