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House: NGP is "first step" in offering "PlayStation experiences to a wider audience"


Following SCEA head Jack Tretton saying the recently-announced NGP, the codename of the next-gen successor to PSP, would continue the PlayStation brand's "rich history of redefining industry standards", SCEE boss Andy House has said in a similar open letter on the EU PS Blog that the device is just the "first step" in offering "PlayStation experiences to a wider audience".

"I am extremely excited about the potential of this innovative and powerful next generation portable entertainment system, which has been built to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience," he said.

"NGP is the first step in our portable strategy as we start to offer PlayStation experiences to a wider audience than ever before. As well as offering the ultimate portable gaming experience, via NGP, we will also be introducing a new way to deliver PlayStation games, via PlayStation Suite."

House added that the casual gaming market was becoming to big to "neglect", hence the introduction of PS Suite, which will allow players to have PlayStation experiences on Android phones and tablets.

"Casual gaming on multi-purpose mobile devices is a growing market that we simply cannot neglect," he said.

"With that in mind, PS Suite is a new initiative to offer PlayStation quality games on Android based portable devices, be it mobile phones, smartphones or tablet PCs.

By offering a fantastic selection of legacy PlayStation games (PS one classics), alongside content made specifically for PS Suite, we believe that we will be offering the PlayStation experience to a wider base of users."

NGP will be out in Japan at least this year.

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