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Heroes of Newerth hacker threatens League of Legends next

Heroes of Newerth suffered a hack yesterday, which resulted in user passwords potentially becoming exposed. The same hacker has now boasted that they are eyeing up League of Legends as the victim of their next hack. Get the details below.

The hacker started a Reddit AMA ('ask me anything') in regards to the matter, in which they stated, "I hacked HoN because there's nothing as hilarious as seeing a bunch of fanboys of a game get enraged over the fact that their favourite game has been hacked.

“The vulnerability in their systems was just pathetic, I am surprised nobody else has hacked HoN before. And I still have a plenty of vulnerabilities left and will hack HoN again on the 25th of december (Merry f**king christmas s2).

“I guess I'll do LoL next as this was so funny."

Heroes of Newerth developer S2 Games is now urging all users to change their passwords, while League of Legends studio Riot Games has yet to respond to the hacker's threat.

The hacker is being reported as a network security engineer from Belarus, who claims to have hacked S2 Games' database on Friday, but when the developer failed to respond to the hack, became angered and went one step further and claimed possession of accounts belonging to prominent Heroes of Newerth players.

Reports suggest that the hacker has since sold off some of the stolen accounts, adding, "Whatever you say, I'm not the one who is vexed over their information getting compromised. I am the one laughing, hence my life is better than yours."

We'll have more on this as it happens. What's your take?

Thanks PCGamesN.

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