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Heavenly Sword 2 could have seen Nariko playable in Hell, says Ninja Theory

heavenly sword

Heavenly Sword 2 could have been set in Hell with Nariko returning as main character, Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has told VG247.

Answering reader questions in the run-in to the release of the UK studio's latest title, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Antoniades spilled "one idea" for a sequel, which had Nariko in Hell and fellow character, Kai, on earth.

"I had this idea that you would play Nariko who finds herself trapped in Hell by the spirit of the sword," said Antoniades.

"Kai would be playable in the real world and would communicate with Nariko and try and help rescue her soul."

He also said how one day in Hell for Nariko would be an entire year for Kai on Earth, with Kai transforming from "teenage girl to old woman."

Heavenly Sword released back in 2007 for PlayStation 3, and talk of a sequel has never died.

Currently, Ninja Theory is developing DLC for Enslaved, which will tell a side-story away from the main tale of Monkey and Trip.

The developer is also working on a reboot of Devil May Cry, DMC, with Capcom.

But going by recent comments, "never say never" to a Ninja Theory-developed HS2.

Expect the full interview with Antoniades to go live later this week before Enslaved's UK release on Friday.

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