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Ninja Theory-developed Heavenly Sword 2? "Never say never", says Antoniades


You may just get a Ninja Theory-made Heavenly Sword 2 after all. Don't hold your breath too long, though.

"I'd never say never," Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has told GI.


"But we've kind of moved on now. Our focus is on Enslaved, and making that successful. If we build a franchise out of it there's a lot of potential in the action-adventure space that surprisingly isn't that common."

Antoniades said the studio had pursued a Heavenly Sword sequel before doing Enslaved.

"We did actually want to do a sequel, and we did pursue that - but we're not a first party studio, we're a third party studio, and we knew that over the next few years we've got to be releasing multi-platform games," he said.

"The game Heavenly Sword didn't sell enough to have a confident sequel, so it would have put ourselves as a development studio in a very precarious situation."

The PS3 title didn't achieve enough sales to break even for the studio, according to previous comments.

NT's currently developing Enslaved: Odyssey to the West for PS3 and 360 for an October 8 UK release.

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