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Halo TV series pilot may be directed by Neill Blomkamp - rumour

Microsoft hasn't revealed a whole lot about the upcoming Halo TV series, so it's natural for the rumour mill to run wild. But this one sounds plausible.

After hopes for a Ridley Scott-directed Halo movie were recently raised (and quickly dashed by Microsoft), speculation turned back to the TV series. Originating at Latino Review, the latest rumours suggests that Neill Blomkamp, director of Elysium and District 9, may be on board to direct at least the pilot episode of the series, which is being produced by Steven Spielberg.

It makes some sense, considering Blomkamp's history with the franchise: District 9 was born, famously, from an attempt to adapt Halo for the big screen, which stalled during pre-production. He also directed a set of three short films to promote the release of Halo 3 in 2007.

But of course, this should all be taken with a heaping grain of salt. Latino Review cites no specific source, and while it wouldn't be surprising to see Blomkamp take the helm, we probably shouldn't get too excited just yet.

Thanks, Game Spot.

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