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GTA Online money hand-outs won't start until bugs have been fixed

GTA Online's stimulus cash hand-outs won't start until progress breaking-bugs have been ironed out, Rockstar has said.

We reported that the first of two $GTA 250,000 compensation hand-outs would be given to players this week, but it seems that they've been pushed back.

A comment on the Rockstar Newswire reads, "We hope to have an update for you on that very soon. As others have mentioned here, we of course want to make sure player progress loss issues are addressed before providing everyone with their GTA$500K. Thanks for your patience and please stay tuned."

It was followed by this tweet:

It comes as Rockstar has lowered the pay-out for repeatedly completed missions, effectively putting paid to endless grinding for cash.

Are you itching to get your first $GTA 250,000 pay-out? Let us know below.

Via OXM.

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