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Gran Turismo 5 delayed in Japan


Sony's confirmed what appears to be a substantial delay for GT5 in Japan.

This is machine translated text from a Japanese press release:

Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEJ) (※ 1), the "PlayStation 3" (PS3 ®) Onrainkaraifushimyureta only Version 5 Gran Turismo (GT5) on the production schedule due to the release date, announces our first Orimashi About Ta 2010 We've decided to postpone it for month.

本作の新しい発売時期につきましては決定次第、改めてご案内いたします。 For his new release date as soon as this decision, we will guide again.

本作の発売をお待ちいただいておりますユーザーの皆様には大変ご迷惑をおかけいたしますこと深くお詫び申し上げます。 Everyone of our users to wait for their release of this film that we apologize apologize for any inconvenience.

Several reports are claiming the release initially said the game would be delayed by three months, but has now been changed.

This Game Watch piece says only that the racer's been postponed, and a new date is to be announced.

The game was scheduled to hit Japan in March.

"Whoops". No date had been given for the hugely anticipated title in the US or Europe.

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