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King's Quest Episode 1 free on Xbox One

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King's Quest Episode 1 free on Xbox One

King's Quest! It doesn't look like it used to, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a go - especially when this involves zero cash outlay.

PlayStation 3 and PS4 owners got a go back in December, but now it's Xbox One's turn: you can play Episode 1 of the King's Quest reboot entirely for free.

Just download it from; that's a US link but it should redirect to your local storefront.

King's Quest: Episode 3 - Once Upon a Climb released this week so if you enjoy the first chapter there's a couple more content drops awaiting you. Episodes can be purchased individually or as part of a season pass. Five chapters and an epilogue have been announced.

Developed by The Odd Gentlemen, the studio behind The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, King's Quest is available on PC and Xbox 360 in addition to the platforms mentioned above. It was one of the first projects announced under Activision's relaunched Sierra label, which focuses on downloadable games from third-parties. It has also given us Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, Shiftlings and Velocity 2X.

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