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Fist of Awesome reaches Kickstarter goal, PC & Mac stretch goal announced

First of Awesome, the pixelated beat-em-up that sees a lumberjack battering deer and grizzly bears in a burning forest - no really - has been funded on Kickstarter, meeting its $7000 goal. The game is now heading to iOS and Android. But if the project hits its stretch goals you could see it on other formats. Get the details and see some gameplay below.

At the time of writing, the Fist of Awesome Kickstarter sits at £7,510
of its £5,000 goal with seven days left on the clock. If creator Nicoll Hunt can hit $12,000 he'll make a PC & mac version as well, titled Fist of Awesome: Grizzly Edition.

The special edition is promised to have additional features and local multiplayer, so if you want to team up with a friend to kick the crap out of some wildlife on PC or Mac, then you can invest in the project right here to make your mad dream a reality.

Nicoll may also develop an Ouya version if he is successful in acquiring one of ten development kits being given away by the console manufacturer. He needs your help in doing so. If you fancy helping him out, check out his plea on Twitter.

Here's some gameplay footage:

Watch on YouTube

Thanks Joystiq.

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