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First Gothic 4 details emerge

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Tiscali Games has posted the first details of Gothic 4, as you can see here.

It's called Gothic 4: Arcania, apparently. Here's a taste:

  • Fully titled Gothic 4: Arcania (as opposed to the previous subtitle Genesis).
  • Story set 10 years after the third title and located on various southern islands, each having different climate zones and its own flora & fauna.
  • Same as in previous titles, there'll be a hidden place (temporarily blocked by a magical shield/barrier).
  • Weather changes, full day and night cycle plus the ability to temporarily cast a spell and change the time of day (e.g. from day to night when you need to slip past guards unnoticed).

More through the link.

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Patrick Garratt: Patrick Garratt is a games media legend - and not just by reputation. He was named as such in the UK's 'Games Media Awards', the equivalent of a lifetime achievement award. After garnering experience on countless gaming magazines, he joined Eurogamer and later split from that brand to create VG247, putting the site on the map with fast, 24-hour a day coverage, and assembling the site's earliest editorial teams. He retired from VG247, and the games industry, in 2017.
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Gothic 4

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