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Fire Emblem Fates - Western release nixes Japanese voice option, touching mini-game

The North American version of Fire Emblem Fates has had quite a few changes made to it.

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First, the “drugging/gay conversion" scene was removed from the game for US audiences, and now it's been revealed the game won't contain a Japanese voice option.

Nintendo confirmed to Polygon that all three versions Birthright, Conquest and Revelation would be English language only. The company wouldn't elaborate on why the voice option was nixed or whether it would be added at a later date.

Back in January, it was also revealed the face caressing mini-game had been removed from the game, but Siliconera reports the animated interactions and dialogue still remain.

In the Japanese version of Fire Emblem Fates, players use the stylus to pet another character in order to improve support rank. Players will still be able to increase the support rank through the dialogue options, but not by caressing the character's face with the stylus.

You can see how this works when you click the Polygon link above and skip to the 1:57:55 mark.

Also, have a look at the latest trailer for the game above, which gives you a look at the battle mechanics.

Fire Emblem Fates will release on 3DS February 19 in North America. A European release date hasn't been set.

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