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FIFA 14 Ultimate Team will be released on PS4 - EA rep

FIFA 14 Ultimate Team will be release on PS4 according to an EA representative's comments to CVG.

According to the representative, "Ultimate Team is being developed for both Xbox One and PS4".

If such a comment confuses you, you're not alone, because yesterday, many - myself included - were under the impression the content was exclusive to Xbox One after EA Sports boss Andrew Wilson came on stage during the Xbox One event. Wilson indicated Ultimate Team, a popular mode in FIFA, will be "only on Xbox".

Also yesterday, EA COO Peter Moore told Bloomberg the content was exclusive as well, but made a point to state the game was still coming to PS4 - but the add on about the PS4 came at the end of his comment, so it could have been construed as anything.

Apparently some of the features in Ultimate Team will either be a timed exclusive on Xbox One or totally exclusive.

At any rate, more will be announced at E3, so our nickers are no longer twisted. (Thanks Joe!)

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