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Fable Legends delayed, open beta set for Spring 2016

"To be honest, we didn’t anticipate just how big Fable Legends is becoming."


Microsoft is delaying free-to-play spin-off Fable Legends.

According to developer Lionhead, Fable Legends will go into open beta in spring 2016. The game is currently in closed beta and was expected before the end of this year.

"To be honest, we didn’t anticipate just how big Fable Legends is becoming," said Lionhead.

"We’ve built a unique and innovative multiplayer experience combining RPG and RTS gameplay which allows you to play, and use your gear seamlessly, across Xbox One and Windows 10.

"We’ve decided to extend our closed beta to continue to listen to feedback from our players and add features and polish that will make a real difference. This means Fable Legends won’t release into open beta this holiday as previously announced. We realise this may be disappointing for those of you not currently playing, so we wanted to tell you why.

"To achieve our aspirations for Fable Legends, we’ve moved our open beta release to spring of 2016."

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