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Extra details for Space Marines' Exterminatus Mode pop up online

Electronic Theatre has extra details regarding the upcoming DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.

Confirmed by the site as Exterminatus Mode, it will allow player to choose from three different types of marine: Tactical, Devastator or Assault. Each will come with its own weapons and perks.

The scenarios included in the DLC are Assault on Hab Center Andreas and Escape From Kalkys Facility, and feature multiple arenas, leaderboards, and dynamic in-game challenges such as "Kill 10 Orks in 10 seconds”. Those who complete the pop-up challenges will receive extra lives and points if completed.

All experience earned also goes towards multiplayer rankings whether played in co-op or competitive multiplayer.

Space Marines' Exterminatus Mode is to be made available sometime next month, but previous reports have it set for an early October release.

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