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Even the standard edition of The Witcher 3 is a generous package

Developers leave humble message of thanks to all those who have bought the game.


If you're buying a physical version The Witcher 3 tomorrow - or have been lucky enough to receive it already - you'll find a little note from the developers inside the game box.

It might not seem like much, but in these days where games don't even come with an instruction manual, it's nice to see CD Projekt Red has gone the extra mile.

We already knew there's 16 pieces of DLC due for the game for free, but the standard physical edition of The Witcher 3 also comes with a very pretty paper map of the Northern Realms, some slick stickers, the soundtrack on CD, The Witcher Universe Compendium booklet and codes for The Witcher Battle Arena and the House of Glass Digital Comic Book.


When lots of games are charging over the odds for special collectors editions and more, it's encouraging to see a developer pushing to create maximum value for money and a publisher that supports that vision.

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