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Endless Space: free Light of Polaris update hitting Steam today

Endless Space developer Amplitude Studios has announced the third free update for its space strategy title. Light of Polaris will hit Steam at some point today, and adds new features, Steam Cloud support and achievements into the mix. Get a content break-down after the cut.

The add-on focuses on a strange period of peace-time in the galaxy that is threatened after an Endless installation is discovered deep below a frozen planet. It's a station that ferries bright and colourful objects across the cosmos via portals and cargo ships. Almost sounds like an interstellar Santa Claus. Curious stuff.

Here's a quick update note list:

Holiday Special
• New Polaris Factory Wonder
• New Oros Gec Faction Hero

Steam Features
• Steam Achievements
• Steam Cloud

Community Feedback & Balancing
• Battle Actions in Auto
• Enhanced Battle Action AI
• Refactored Faction Traits
• "No Pirates" Option
• "Hide exploration flags in the galaxy view" Option

We've also got screens:

Thanks Joystiq.

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