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Dyack Responds to Kotaku expose on X-Men Destiny

Last October, Kotaku published a feature titled "What went wrong with Silicon Knights' X-Men Destiny?" You can read that piece here. Former studio head Dennis Dyack, now at Precursor Games today posted he response to it in a YouTube video.

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The video is 30 minutes long, and includes some tangents -- he addresses some assertions that were not in the piece, such as the idea that he embezzled money from Activision -- but his response can be summed up with this bit: “When I first saw this article, I [didn't] believe — because there was not a single credible source where nothing could be verified — that anyone would actually believe this.” Kotaku's sources were eight people, cited anonymously, who claimed to have worked at Silicon Knights.

Kotaku editor-in-chief Stephen Totilo used this opportunity to explain the site's process for vetting the sources, and it's all a very interesting read. I recommend you watch the video, and then check out Totilo's response-to-a-response.

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