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Today is Dragon Age writer David Gaider's last day at Bioware

Longtime Bioware writer David Gaider has announced his departure from the studio.

Gaider posted the news on Twitter (via Eurogamer), stating that after 17 years, today would be his last day at the company.

"I must sadly announce that, after 17 years, today is my last day at BioWare," he wrote on Twitter. "I'll miss my team, and wish everyone here the best."

Gaider created the world of Dragon Age for BioWare and wrote novels based on the game's universe.

In 2015, he stated he was leaving the Dragon Age team to work on another Bioware project which was never revealed by Gaider.

He also had a hand in providing designs for Baldur's Gate 2, wrote characters for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, was lead writer for Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark.

Best of luck to him.

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